We are so honored that you would consider The Anvil Academy as a partner in the teaching and discipling of your son. Thank you! Here is a process for learning more about joining the Anvil Brotherhood.
Forge Nights are Admissions events, typically scheduled in late fall and early winter. Forge Nights provide an opportunity to tour the campus, meet the faculty, hear more about the mission of Anvil, and ask any questions that you may have. At the end of the event, we will share a link to the digital application.
If you feel led to fill out an application for your son, you will create a FACTS account and submit the packet digitally. Two references are required as part of the application and there is a $27 application. This application secures your spot in the Admissions Lottery in the event that there are more applications than available open spots for the coming year.
Current Anvil families and families of Anvil Alumni are invited to re-enroll and apply during the month of January. On February 1, we will make Family Interview invitations to applicants for the coming year. If there are more applicants than available spots, we will hold an Admissions Lottery and a Wait List. Families will be notified the first week of February with either an invitation to a Family Interview or their spot on the Wait List.
If there is an open seat, we will make an invitation to attend a Family Interview. This interview is an opportunity for your family and for Anvil faculty to mutually discern if this is right for your son in this season. This is an opportunity to candidly discuss the needs of your family and the ability of Anvil to support the work of learning, discipleship, and formation in your son’s life.
If there is a mutual discernment that Anvil is the best fit for your son and family, we will invite you to enroll. This invitation will be held for 10 days to allow for your family to make a thoughtful decision about enrollment. If unenrolled after 10 days, we will open up the spot for the next family on the Wait List.
A student will be enrolled at The Anvil Academy when we have received his digital enrollment packet. Families will work through FACTS Tuition Management for application, enrollment, and tuition payment.