• We hope that boys return home each day with full hearts, but emptied of energy and smelling like a mixture of sweat and woodsmoke. It is our belief that boys in this season need adventure, danger, challenge, competition, and activity. No day at Anvil is complete without significant time spent outdoors, exploring the woods, fields, and waters of our campus. Led by our ADVENTURE teachers, boys don’t simply have PE class but are immersed in expanding experiences. Be it through bushcraft, basketball, or battle scars, each day at Anvil engages the hearts and challenges the bodies of these boys who are growing into young men.

  • The GARAGE is where the story of history comes to life and provides a plumbline for all of our adventures. Over three years, boys journey through a fast-paced survey of human history:

    • YEAR 1: Creation to Ancient Greece

    • YEAR 2: Roman Empire to the Renaissance

    • YEAR 3: The Story of America

    While history is the content, we believe it is more a conduit for shaping worldviews, understanding others, and learning about ourselves. Boys are challenged to think critically, ask hard questions, reflect deeply, and develop disciplined habits of the mind.

  • The BARN is where we get our hands dirty every day. Boys are supervised, coached, and trained to do real work with real tools. Units of study are designed around carpentry, blacksmithing, and all sorts of mechanical explorations. Failure is part of the learning process but it is never fatal or final. They learn that the shortcut is often the longest road and what it means to do worthy work. Boys don’t just finish their projects, but bring their work to completion and leave every day with dirt under their fingernails.

  • All throughout Scripture, we see the presence of God imaged in a flame. At The Anvil Academy, a flame burns in each learning environment, but the FIRE is our classroom that focuses on Biblical instruction. Boys gather around a bonfire each day and dig into the Word of God. Throughout their three-year study, students journey through the OLD TESTAMENT, GOSPELS, and NEW TESTAMENT. While boys explore a secular history in the GARAGE, around the FIRE they discover a redemptive history at work in the story of humanity - one that has much to say about growing into a strong young man, walking in the Way of Jesus.

  • Forging men in the way of Jesus takes fuel. Some of it is spiritual, some instructional, and then there is the literal fuel for growing bodies. Each day boys burn incredible amounts of calories and then refuel over a mid-day lunch - created, cooked, and consumed by THE BOYS. As they journey through a timeline of geographies, people groups, and cultures, Anvil students recreate the culinary creations of each region. Working with cast iron skillets, induction cooktops, and open fires, boys are trained in the tastes and techniques of our diverse world.